Phase I
Phase I lasts up to two years (in exceptional circumstances, three years may be possible).

During this period, the Scholar will:
- Pursue intense training in a mentored laboratory or clinical research setting.
- Develop a short and long-term career development plan, including plan for future research activities.
- Meet with the National Advisory Committee at the annual PCCTSDP retreat where research protection, progress, and challenges are discussed.
Development Plan
The development plan must be outlined in the application for funding. The Scholar must be protected from clinical and administrative responsibilities so that a minimum of 75% time is protected and dedicated to research training.
During Phase I, members of the National Advisory Committee will site visit each training institution and verify that the Scholar is being provided with the institutional commitment described in the scholar’s application and the department chairs endorsement letter. Renewal for two years, and in exceptional circumstances, three years, is dependent on satisfactory progress of the scholar.
Program Benefits
During Phase I, Scholars may receive up to: $75,000 for salary, benefits, limited laboratory support for supplies (up to $10,000), travel funds for the annual PCCTSDP retreat and to appropriate scientific meetings (up to $3,500), and limited tuition support for specific training opportunities (up to $4,500). Indirect expenses will be provided to training institutions at 8% of all direct costs except tuition, which is not eligible for indirect expense reimbursement. Carryover of funds between years is normally not permitted, as unexpended funds are used to fund additional Scholars.
Phase II
During Phase II, Scholars must be:
- Supported by their institution, preferably with extramural funding such as K08 or K23 NIH awards.
- Protected from clinical and administrative responsibilities at least 50% of their time, according to the RFA for this program.
Institutions must protect Phase II Scholars for a minimum of 50% regardless of their funding status, and are strongly encouraged to protect Phase II Scholars for 75% of their time, reflecting our goal that these scholars will be supported by K awards. It is important to note that protection of Scholars for the duration of five years must be a firm commitment of the sponsoring Department and must be acknowledged in a letter from the Department Chair during the application process.
Annual Retreat
Phase II Scholars will attend the annual PCCTSDP retreat, and discuss their long-term career development with the National Advisory Committee at these annual retreats. Travel expenses must be born by the sponsoring Department.